Five more weeks until we open our doors and welcome our first group of children!
School begins August 19th for Fort Wayne Community Schools, and after school that first Monday, children of The Brandon Foundation will walk through our doors eager to meet their mentors.
The mentors? They're eager, too... Eager to begin relationships with the first group of future leaders to enter our program. Eager to be a part of the foundation's mission. Eager to guide children as they grow academically and socially... Eager to learn and grow as much from the children as the children learn and grow themselves.
Speaking of growing... Have you seen our new logo? It's perfect for us.

The tree is rooted in the book; the tree symbolizes our children, as they place their foundation in their education and grow into solid, strong community leaders. Education is a powerful tool for children, and being able to use their education while establishing relationships and developing as young adults is equally powerful -- a combination that is the focus of The Brandon Foundation.
Mark your calendar!
August 24th at St. Henry's Community Center, The Brandon Foundation will be co-hosting a Community Flea Market & Garage Sale. If you're interested in purchasing a table for $10 and selling your items or products, please message us on Facebook or email us at
We have other things in store that day, too, so be sure to watch as the date gets closer!
Mentor, maybe?
Yes, you! Could you be a mentor to one of our children? We have children registered and ready to begin, but we could use a few more mentors. The commitment is minimal, but the benefits are a lengthy list. Are you hesitant? What's holding you back? Talk to us... Anyone connected to The Brandon Foundation can answer your questions. We need you. More importantly, the future leaders of our community need you. All we ask is that you consider the possibility.
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