Dear Friends:
Did you know that our youth have a much
higher success rate when they have contact with all important aspects of their
future at an earlier age, including family, school, and community, among
others? We’ve read the formal studies, such as “America’s Youth: Transitions to
Adulthood” (2011) and “Dropout Rates” (2014), from the U.S. Department of
Education’s Institute of Education Sciences and the National Center for
Educational Statistics; they remind us why we’re here, but it’s not enough.
More important than any study we could show
you is the true story of our oldest student. He is a young man with a bright
future, but he had to be guided to the right path. When he came to us in
November (2013), he was a quiet, unmotivated middle school boy, who had been
informed he would be held back. According to society, the odds are against this
young, black male, with a father who is not in the picture and a mother who
works a less than ideal schedule to make ends meet for him and his younger
brother; but, gradually, he came out of his shell, participated in activities
both at the foundation and school, began reading, playing basketball and
football, and sharing his words and artwork with us. At the foundation, he has
two mentors. One of our new mentors at the foundation visits him one day a week;
currently, they are reading The Other Wes
Moore together and are having thoughtful conversations about overcoming adversity.
The mentor he was paired with earlier on has become such an important role in
his life that he attended a Father’s Recognition Day at his school to show his
dedication to being present in his life. Today, a year from when we first met
him, we are happy to report that he has made Honor Roll! He has become a leader
to our younger students and has no doubt that God plays a vital role in his
life and yours.
The Brandon Foundation continues to work hard
at becoming a well-known fixture in the Fort Wayne Community; we are dedicated
to our youth – our future leaders, and we provide the early exposure to
“aspects of future life.” Students learn about the importance of family,
school, and community by being surrounded by people who commit to their
success, support them in their studies, and participate alongside them in
community projects.
Thanks to contributors like you, we have been
able to offer programs and experiences to our students that help them stay on
the right path and realize they can be successful – in school and in the
community. As we continue to grow and offer our services to more students, your
gifts are so important. By donating and supporting The Brandon Foundation, you
promise to make an immediate impact on our community – our future leaders.
There is no study that will repay you, but the smiles and success stories of
students like our oldest above is a start.
Truly, there is no donation too small. If you
are able, please visit our blog by clicking here to send your gift today. Please feel free to
share this letter with friends, families, or businesses to keep us in mind as
they consider any year-end giving. Remember, The Brandon Foundation is a
501(c)3, so all donations are tax deductible.
Blessings to you and your family during this holiday season!
Derrick Jackson, a guest speaker, who spoke to our kids about perseverance and hope. |